Sunday 16 August 2020

I Guess I'm Back? Maybe this time? Who Knows!

tl;dr I am back, and there is a Skyrim Mod in the works!

Hi all, 

            I've been away for quite a while this time, and as for my many projects that I have, they have probably all been scrapped, at least for the time being. I am trying to work out a new schedule for working on content for Skyrim, for Minecraft, for Literary Works, and for myself in the form of anything I feel like. The biggest problem I have found with developing content on these platforms is the burnout of either playing the games, developing content for the games, or writing out the plans for the content for the games. I aim to overcome this problem by just doing what I enjoy without trying too hard to over-complicate it all (Which it seems I have a talent for!).

In the coming weeks I hope to share with you the upcoming Content for each platform that I have grown attached to. These include: Skyrim Modding, Minecraft Modding, Worldbuilding, and Coding/Learning New/More about Programming Languages.

In regards to the projects that have been on hiatus, they will be left that way indefinitely until I have time or have completed other projects to focus on them. This includes: The Fairy Tail Overhaul Mod for Skyrim, Shaxxes Personal Mod Compliation for Skyrim, Shaxxs' Useful Helpful Mod for Skyrim and Dragon Slayer - An FTMO Mod for Skyrim. (I did a lot for Skyrim, wow!)

In regards to projects that I want to work on, there is only one project so far! This project has no name yet (or a code designation for that matter) but it is a Skyrim Mod, and it will have some amazing features that I hope you will all love and play with! I focuses around a role-playing style with in-game jobs to do depending on the play-style you want to play as.

Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas for stuff you want to see in the mod!

As always, have a good one!
